All families that are registering for future upcoming spots where more there will be more than two months before they start are required to pay a $150 commitment fee. This holds the spot for your child and will go toward your first month of fees. This fee is non refundable.
Our facility is open from 7:00am - 5:30pm and we close for all stat holidays, including optional stats, Christmas break (same period as the public school system), two centre wide PD days and we close early at 2pm, four times per year for our team to revamp the classrooms and have team meetings to ensure the highest quality of care is offered to your children.
In our facility, we serve AM and PM snacks, and families bring a lunch for their child (nut free).
All classrooms go on field trips throughout the year, and children are not able to stay behind, if families are unsure about their child attending field trips, our program may not be the best fit. We can discuss this further if any clarification is needed on how field trips work, transportation, etc.
We offer the Affordability Grant (all families are eligible) and Subsidy (based on income and work status).
We are an inclusive program, but to ensure we are currently able to support your child's needs, we need to know during the enrollment discussion, what supports they may need. While we do our very best to meet the needs of all children, there are times where our program is not the best fit, and knowing upfront will allow us to have an honest conversation about if we are in a place to meet those needs in that moment.
Please read our parent orientation information HERE for more details about our program.
Please contact us for current rate information, but please note we likely have a wait list at this time. You can add your child(ren) to the list HERE.
Read below for a few room specific notes.
Children will remain under the Seedlings tuition fee until they turn 3, at which point the rate will go down to the 3+ year old rate. This rate will change the month following their birthday. Sometimes children will remain in the Seedlings room a bit after they turn 3. Regardless of which room your child is in, you will be charged the lower rate if your child is 3 years old. We cannot move them to the older room until they are potty trained, and a space opens up.
Naps are provided for those that need them. Children who don't nap will do other activities in a separate space. Nap time is approx 12pm - 2pm.
We have two rooms for children ages 3 - 4. As children age out of the Seedlings Room - they will be placed in one of these rooms as space permits.
Naps are provided for those that need them. Children who don't nap will do other activities in a separate space. Nap time is approx 12pm - 2pm.
These rooms are currently a mix of non Kindergarten and Kindergarten children.
Busing is provided for Kindergarten children via Elk Island Transport or Elk Island Catholic Transport. You will need to contact them directly for more info.
Naps are not offered in these rooms, if your child still naps, they will need to be in the Stepping Stones room.
This room is still being decorated - more photos will be posted soon! This room will open October 2024.
We believe that all children – regardless of ability – should have the opportunity to learn in an educational environment that meets their unique intellectual, physical, and social needs. Our intention is to provide adult support for a child initiated and developmentally appropriate curriculum in an environment where children are comfortable and thus able to learn through play and the exploration of their environment. The curriculum is not built on children’s interests alone, as educators and parents also have interests worth bringing into the curriculum. The values and concerns of all the adults involved, help the classroom culture evolve. The curriculum is called emergent because it emerges and evolves, moving along new paths as choices and connections are made, and it is always open to new possibilities that were not thought of during the initial planning process.
At Mindful Moments, ideas for curriculum emerge when educators respond to the interests, questions, and concerns generated by a specific group of children within a particular environment. Emergent curriculum describes the kind of curriculum that develops when children are engaged in experiences where they are exploring what is socially relevant, intellectually engaging, and personally meaningful. The basic idea is that organic, whole learning evolves from the interaction of all members of the classroom – both children and adults. In emergent curriculum, both adults and children have initiative and make decisions; this power to impact curriculum decisions and directions means that sometimes curriculum is also negotiated between what interests children and what adults know is necessary for children’s education and development.
Educators plan based on the different interests and abilities of the children in the classroom and use these cues as the starting point for curriculum planning. Often, ideas emerge through conversations and open-ended questions. Children’s questions are what stimulate and give direction to the curriculum. There are no preplanned workbooks or planning binders for our curriculum; it emerges from the children and educators working together, with the adults actively listening to the children’s ideas and then acting on them. This approach also allows the educators to change and modify the curriculum easily in response to things that happen in the course of the day. An unexpected question can lead to an interesting discussion or an opportunity to have a parent or guest expert share a special skill with the children. Our child-centred approach allows the educators to look carefully at children and create a flexible program that meets their needs in a very holistic way.
Child Care Fee Subsidy
The Government of Alberta has a Child Care Subsidy program that pays a portion of your fees depending on your income.